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Quotes are delayed, as of February 21, 2025, 02:38:10 PM CST or prior.
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Cattle Higher Ahead of Cattle on Feed Report -
Live cattle futures are trading with stronger midday action in Friday, up 50 to 75 cents in the nearbys. Cash trade has been slow this week, with Hogs Posting Mixed Midday Trade -Lean hogs are trading on either side of unchanged at midday, with April down a quarter and other contracts up a tick to 70 cents. Friday morning’s Cotton Prices Slipping Despite Solid Export Sales -Cotton is leaking lower so far on Friday, with losses of 5 to 27 cents at midday. The outside markets are pressure factors at midday. Crude oil Wheat Popping Higher at Midday -The wheat market is trading firmer on Friday, with contracts in the green across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures are up 3 to 4 cents so far Soybeans Pulling Back on Friday -Soybeans are fading into the weekend, with contracts down 3 to 8 cents so far at midday, led by the nearbys. The cmdtyView national front month Cash Corn Falling on Friday -Corn futures are posting midday losses on Friday, down 3 to 7 cents across most contracts as traders take some money off the table ahead of the Full commentary... |